The prince doesn't want to marry Prince Humperdink. He is smelly and smug and slimier than fog. I laughed this scene. In addition, I felt very interesting that the expression which is "I never want to marry him, I'd rather eat my toenails.". She met one frog which can speak. I don't believe in speaking frog. However, I want to meet the speaking frog if it exists in real world. Then the princess breaked promise with frog. It is bad thing. I felt she is wrong. We have to keep our promise even if it is a person in high position. The princess treated the frog cruelly so it looks very poor. After that she apologized to treat cruelly and kissed him. Then, surprisingly, the frog became handsome young prince! I was very surprised it. In fact, the frog is young prince. Then the prince and princess married. I think it is good thing that they are happy.
Mike, Gordon. (2007). The Frog Pricne. London; Usborne
Mike, Gordon. (2007). The Frog Pricne. London; Usborne
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